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Thorsten Steins | 6 July, 2023 13: 46 | Last edited on: 6 July, 2023 16:12

casino777 advertising

Earlier we wrote a review of the relatively new , Casino777 has now also started to express advertisements, in order to try to attract new players to the casino. Casino777 is just too late with the use of well-known New Zealanders as a role model in the advertisements, because this is no longer allowed since the end of June. However, they can simply be seen on tv with a new commercial, in addition, they have also launched an advertising campaign outside.

That casino777 has chosen to also do outdoor advertising, for example at bus booths or billboards, is remarkable. The industry associations for casinos and online casinos they had agreed that such outdoor advertising would no longer be used. This is in order not to influence the young target group with gambling-related advertising, because this is still an impressionable target group.

Casino777 apparently does not agree with this and draws its own path. Which is legally allowed, because there is no law yet that prohibits outdoor advertising for games of chance. Minister of Justice and security, Franc Weerwind has already spoken out several times about gambling advertisements. For example, he put urgency behind the introduction of a ban on BN ers in gambling advertisements.

On the other hand, the minister also spoke positively about gambling advertising on TV. These are needed to indicate the difference between casinos operating on the New Zealand market under a New Zealand casino license and casinos operating on the black market. The moment a legal casino can not advertise, more people will attract to the illegal casinos, also because people then do not see or know the difference.

This is despite the fact that there would be quite a bit of criticism from the House of Representatives about the advertisements. In fact, in their opinion, there would be an increase in gambling addiction problems in New Zealand. However, Minister Weerwind wants to wait for official figures to see whether there would actually be (problematic) growth. MP van Nispen also urged to set a maximum to the online providers in New Zealand. However, according to Weerwind, this is not possible since there is an open licensing system in New Zealand where every party would be entitled to apply for a license.

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